Under Review: ‘Prince William & Kate: The Royal Romance’


The biggest wedding in quite some time is set for a week from today when Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales marries Kate Middleton.

If you can’t wait for the wedding, you may want to check out a new documentary about the British couple called “Prince William & Kate: The Royal Romance.”

The film takes you behind the scenes of the couple’s official engagement and photo call. The documentary also features rare and unseen footage of the royal pair together – from the first time they met to now as they look forward to the biggest day of their lives.

The DVD also provides highlights of the engagement interview between Prince William and Kate Middleton, full coverage of the Clarence House photo call and a never-before-seen film of the couple’s early days in school together. This fascinating film is narrated by Juliet Morris, a former BBC “Newsround,” “Travel Show” and BBC “Breakfast News” presenter.

The documentary shows the real personalities of William and Kate and how excited they are for their upcoming marriage. William also gives some detail about how he proposed, which I found interesting.

If you love a good romance story, you’ll enjoy “Prince William & Kate: The Royal Romance,” which is available on DVD now. For more information, check out

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  1. Kay #

    I can’t wait to see this. I will be watching the wedding.