Author Archive

Trailer Talk: ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’

— by JESSICA MORALES — So, I know what you’re thinking: “Another planet of the ape’s movie remake?” Is that really necessary? Charlton Heston has no equal; I mean, didn’t we already go through this with Mark Wahlberg’s version? But once you see the trailer below, [...]

New International ‘Green Lantern’ Poster

— by JESSICA MORALES — The poster below is one of the many posters being released for the upcoming “Green Lantern” movie. As a fan of the comics, I can’t help but be inspired by this one. I feel it is one of the best and should make fans of the comics go nuts and [&hell[...]

Two Clips from ‘Thor’

— by JESSICA MORALES — Before I discuss the new “Thor” clips, I am going to first take a moment and be a fangirl for a bit. How awesomely hot does Chris Hemsworth look? He’s the perfect pick for Thor in my humble opinion. OK, I feel better. Now back to our regularly-sch[...]

Film-Makers Must Remember What Makes Superman Such a Classic

— by JESSICA MORALES — I’d like to start this off by saying I’ve loved Superman since I was a little girl … yes, a little girl. Superman is one of those rare superheroes that not only grabs the attention of little boys, but of little girls as well. And this in large part[...]

The First Two Minutes of ‘Rio’

— by JESSICA MORALES — With “Rio,” 20th Century Fox is giving us a fun-filled family movie with great music, adorable characters and witty dialogue. It is a comedy about taking a walk on the wild side and finding inner strength in the process. And while I absolutely hate bird[...]

‘Tron 3′ Teaser Clip: The Dillingers’ Chat

— by JESSICA MORALES — Are you ready for more “Tron”? Well, it looks like this time around we won’t have to wait nearly 30 years for another one. I remember seeing “Tron” for the first time on television when I was a kid and really enjoying it; so when I heard t[...]