The more I see from “Superman/Batman Public Enemies,” the more I get excited about seeing it.
Following, we have a minute and a half clip from the upcoming film.
Here is your warning, though: There is a spoiler in the clip. Batman and Major Force are discussing the death of another character in the movie. I haven’t seen the whole movie yet, so I’m not sure how important it is, but I felt it was only fair to warn you.
“Superman/Batman: Public Enemies,” is scheduled to be released on blu-ray and DVD on Sept. 29. The film’s voice cast features Tim Daly (Superman), Kevin Conroy (Batman), Clancy Brown (Lex Luthor), Allison Mack (Power Girl), John C. McGinley (Metallo), Robert Patrick (Hawkman), Jerry O’Connell (Captain Marvel) and LeVar Burton (Black Lightning).
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I don’t usually buy these DC universe animated movies but this one is on my list of must haves. I look forward to watching it the day it comes out.
I can’t wait!
This sounds so good!
I have been waiting to see this. Thanks!
I want to buy it now.
this is truly the world finest at there best i have read the Graphic novel and the movie carries the novel an step farther.
I’m not a fan of McGuiness’ artwork, but the designs in this don’t look as bad as they could have been.
Hell yes!