Trailer Talk: ‘Opie Gets Laid’


“Opie Gets Laid” is an out-of-the-ordinary sexy comedy about “the world’s biggest loser” (James Ricardo). Surprisingly enough, he winds up dating and having sex with three different women (April Wade, Ute Werner, Jesselynn Desmond) without the other ones knowing.

One of the taglines for the movie is “Thank god for women with low standards,” and they are exactly what Opie gets. His first girl is a hot pot dealer chick named Thai who mistakenly knocks on his door.

She becomes fond of him and decides to help him get a good woman. She ends up failing and, in the midst of a pot smoking moment, they sleep together. She is astounded at what a great lay he really is as he admits she is his first.

They soon are a couple and Opie’s not only sleeping with Thai, but her butch, blonde, gorgeous lesbian lover, Dakota, as well as a gun-toting nympho named Rain he meets online.

At 30 years old, Opie finally has the girls of his dreams and is no longer the loser he once was.

“Opie Gets Laid” seems similar to the movie “Two Girls and a Guy,” but looks to be a much funnier and sexier version. All of the scenes have a very different creative hilarity to them as you’ll see in this offbeat trailer.

The film was titled “Sunnyvale” during its film festival run and was the winner of the William Shatner Golden Groundhog Award for Best Underground Movie.

Written and directed by Ricardo, “Opie Gets Laid” is in stores now.

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1 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Josue #

    Best Underground Movie, lol. Ill netflix it!!

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