Trailer Talk: ‘The Governator’

— by H.G. WATSON —

The line between “really cool” and “fanservice” has grown very thin in recent days. For example: “Hanna” has a 16-year old maiming and killing her way through Europe. Super cool! “Sucker Punch,” on the other hand, has a bunch of 20-somethings fighting ninjas, dinosaurs, robots…etc. And no plot, which makes it a total fanservice.

That brings me to “The Governator,” an animated series produced by Stan Lee and starring the former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s got Arnie riffing on his most famous film lines, giant robots, some hip young teens and a pretty bad-ass looking motorcycle.

And yet, as cool as that all is, it as the undeniable whiff of a show that is just trying too damn hard to appeal to geeks and hipsters.

Tell us what you think to the right in the comments section. Any chance you’ll watch this?

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