Two Scenes From ‘The Descent – Part 2’

— by CAM SMITH —

Neil Marshall’s 2005 spelunking horror effort “The Descent” was a one of the best fright flicks of the decade; a claustrophobic spine-chiller featuring a group of young women falling prey to subterranean flesh-eaters after becoming lost in a ink-black cavern. It was a terrifying, cold-sweat inducing experience, boosted by realistic, well-drawn characters and the director’s gritty, jittery camera-work and mastery of deep-rooted psychological unease, as opposed to cheap jump scares.

Critically lauded, the movie was a modest hit at the North American box-office before finding its real life on DVD, where positive word of mouth spread like a virus. Suddenly “The Descent” had a rabid fan-base, and production company Celador Films was suddenly in possession of a relatively lucrative property.

So what did they do? Why, green-lit a slick direct-to-DVD sequel, of course.

With original cast-members Shauna Macdonald (Sarah) and Natalie Jackson-Mendoza (Juno) returning, and Marshall stepping up to an executive producer position, the directing duties for “The Descent – Part 2” have fallen into the lap of novice helmer Jon Harris, an editor on the first film — not to mention “Layer Cake,” “Stardust,” “Snatch” and this summer’s “Kick-Ass.”

Judging from the two brief clips below — originally posted up at Trailer Addict — Harris may want to think about keeping his day job.

The first video showcases an extended attempt at suspense wherein a dog investigates an abandoned shack before suddenly, um … actually, I’m not really sure what exactly happens, other than that the screen goes black and a whimper can be heard on the soundtrack. Nothing pleasant, I’d assume. Them cave-dwellers don’t mess around.

Conversely, the second segment features an old man almost running down a deer on a mountain road before being surprised by a perfect example of the last three words of my first paragraph.

While no official release date has been announced, “The Descent – Part 2” will likely hit shelves before year’s end.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    That part with the dog was pretty weird.

  2. Disco #

    Yeah, seriously. WTF is up with that dog?

  3. Josue #

    im not into horror, but i liked the first! i will watch this one too!