Up for Charity Auction: Voicemail Messages Personally Recorded by Celebrities


Charity Buzz has a few auctions listed that will help to raise money for a worthy charity called Children Mending Hearts.

One of the many celebrity items on offer is a voicemail by the talented actor Ewan McGregor.

McGregor is one of the most astounding actors of our lifetime, starring in major movies such as “Trainspotting,” “Moulin Rouge” and the “Star Wars” prequels. He also helped to define the ’90s youth generation and became the poster boy of the British film industry.

This item is a great gift for any true McGregor fan. What better way to impress your friends and family than to have Obi Wan greet them on your voicemail? His seductive Gallic tones would surely entice any caller. And not only shall you be getting the gift of Mr. McGregor’s delectable voice, but you shall be giving a voice to the many poverty and at-risk children that Children Mending Hearts help on a daily basis.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any “Ewan’s Angel,” and one that will help support a better life for an “Angel” at Children Mending Hearts.

The bidding for Ewan McGregor’s voicemail ends on April 6 at 1:08 p.m.

Other celebrity voices up for auction include: Pamela Adlon, who will record your voicemail as her “King of the Hill” character, Bobby Hill; Ben Affleck; Alyssa Milano; Hank Azaria, who will record the message as Moe the bartender, Apu the Kwik-E-Mart owner, Police Chief Wiggum, Professor Frink, Dr. Nick Riviera or Comic Book Guy; and Felicity Huffman.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Jen #

    That would be cool.

  2. 2

    What a fun idea!

  3. Disco #

    I wouldn’t go for one of the cartoon ones, though. I know dudes who will do that for free.

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  1. Tweets that mention Up for Charity Auction: Voicemail Messages Personally Recorded by Celebrities -- 28 03 10
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