Trailer Talk: ‘The Princess and The Frog’


Like everyone else, I really enjoy the Pixar movies and their style of animation. However, I must admit that it’s nice to see a new movie coming out in the “classic” Disney style.

Here we have the new trailer for “The Princess and The Frog,” which is due out Dec. 11.

Promisingly, the animation and energy remind me of “Aladdin” (my favorite Disney film).

The movie — which will feature the voices of Terrence Howard, Oprah Winfrey and John Goodman — is Disney’s first hand-drawn animated film since “Home on the Range” in 2004.

And click here to see six scenes from the movie.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Kent #

    It actually does look kind of fun.

  2. Vanna #

    That does look really cute. It makes me wish I had a young child to take with me to see it. These movies are always more fun when viewed with children so you can really appreciate the movie through their young eyes.

  3. Inez #

    I liked this movie a lot the first time, but I kind of didn’t like it as much the second time. It won’t end up being a classic.

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