Poster Peek: ‘Tekken’


I have to admit, I’m not really a “Tekken” fan. I’m not against “Tekken,” either, but my fighting video games growing up were “Mortal Kombat,” “Street Fighter” and … “Fatal Fury,” was that something? I don’t remember.

Luke Goss, who played the villainous Prince Nuada in “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army,” is in this movie, and I betcha he’ll be cool. But chances are the fighting won’t be as good, and if anyone is even thinking of going to this movie for any reason other than the fighting, my question is … go away.

The poster plays up the videogame angle with a cast of characters at the bottom to let people know who’s in the movie (although I think Goss is missing from that. Whoops. Retro-active spoiler?). And the poster is also half-way trying to capitalize on the theme made popular by “Ninja Assassin,” the most honestly-titled movie ever made. Toss in some foreign symbology and a really clunky subtitle, and you’ve got yourself a poster.

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  1. 1

    I love love love the Tekken games. But this looks nothing but silly and cringe-worthy. 🙁

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