Posts Tagged ‘Carrie Fisher’

The ‘Star Wars’ That Could Have Been

— by CHAS BLANKENSHIP — “A Long Time Ago … In A Galaxy Far, Far …” Wait. Back up. Yes, all the way up …[...]

The Top 5 ‘Star Wars’ Scenes We Need to See in 3D

— by CHRIS HYATT — George Lucas has announced that he’s re-releasing all six “Star Wars” films in 3D. Financially, it is an excellent idea to take advantage of the 3D craze. Artistically, it’s a wash in my opinion. To be completely honest, I’m not a Lucas fa[...]

Star Wars Celebration V Surprises

— by JOSUE SANCHEZ — The “Star Wars Celebration V” is going on in Orlando, Fla., right now and all kinds of news is coming our way via “the force” that is the internet. I really wish I could be there, but I am following it closely online, as I know other millions of fans [&hellip[...]

Under Review: ‘White Lightin”

— by MARIUSZ ZUBROWSKI — Most people don’t know much about mountain dancing or “clogging.” I don’t even know much about this style of dancing apart from what I’ve read on Wikipedia while researching the movie “White Lightin.'” Taking this[...]

About That New ‘Star Wars’ Rumor …

— by CAM SMITH — On Oct. 21, a number of legitimate filmsites ran a tip regarding the strong possibility of a third “Star Wars” trilogy — an all-3D venture which would see George Lucas ceremoniously perched in the Emperor’s swiveling producer throne, overseeing the[...]