— by MARIUSZ ZUBROWSKI — During certain portions of “Green Zone,” it seemed that the project was only green-lighted when the relevancy of Oscar-giant “The Hurt Locker” was established. Riding under the assumption that Kathryn Bigelow’s war epic would win[...]
Posts Tagged ‘“Green Zone”’
Six Clips from ‘Green Zone’
— by ALEXA MILAN — Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass may not be signing on for a fourth installment of the “Bourne” series, but that doesn’t mean their collaboration is over. Greengrass directs Damon in the Iraq-set thriller “Green Zone,” in which[...]
Trailer Talk: ‘Green Zone’
— by ALEXA MILAN — Rumor has it a fourth installment in the Jason Bourne series will hit screens in a couple of years, but until then fans can see Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass reteam in the action thriller “Green Zone.” Damon plays Roy Miller, a U.S. Army officer searching[...]