‘Tekken’ Party Puts Luke Goss Front and Center


It’s packed. Of course, it’s packed, it’s always packed. In West Hollywood last Thursday, MI-6 boiled with talent and motion for the after-party for the new film “Tekken,” based on the popular videogame. The film stars Luke Goss (of “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” and “Blade II”) as Steve Fox, who discovers an awesome power within him and must fight to protect it. The night also served as the unveiling for Goss’ next film, “Eyes of the King.” The teaser-trailer played on a loop on MI-6’s numerous screens, planted in the walls of the club.

Pictured: Luke Goss at the Tekken premiere after-party.

Pictured: Luke Goss at the "Tekken" premiere after-party.

The evening’s mood was at once relaxed and fueled. The music never stopped or let-up, and here and there some good old club-dancing broke out. But it was in packs and never overtook the place. People moved about, and couches lines the walls, allowing people to relax and survey the scene. Still, the music compelled the vibe of the place, mixing and charging the overall atmosphere with a little Hollywood beauty.

Outside, as cast-members and celebrities made their way down the red-carpet, there was a sense of playfulness and enjoyment; particularly between Goss and actor Doug Jones, who co-starred together in 2008’s “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.” Among the other Hollywood names were Shane West (of “A Walk to Remember” and TV’s “ER”); James Pitt (of “Avatar”) and Lauren Mayhew (of “Guiding Light” and “American Pie: Band Camp”).

That casual mood followed them inside, as they mingled throughout the place. When I congratulated Goss on the dual-success of his two new films, he was enormously gracious. “I really want to thank you guys for coming. It means a lot to us,” he told me. I told him he seemed to be the man of the hour and he agreed, turning the attention back to the crowd. “Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, so that’s good!”

The night really was his. Goss’ performance in “Hellboy 2” garnered some well-deserved attention, but to date, he has played mostly supporting characters and is often hidden by make-up. Now, he is the leading-man in both “Tekken” and “Eyes of the King,” effectively taking on the weight of carrying a major Hollywood film. If they perform well, Goss has positioned himself to easily transition into more leading roles.

The film’s success remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Luke Goss and co. sure know how to throw a Hollywood party. And that’s got to be half the battle, right there.

From left, Luke Goss and Doug Jones.

From left, actors Luke Goss and Doug Jones.

Actress Lauren C. Mayhew

Actress Lauren C. Mayhew

Actor Shane West

Actor Shane West

Doug Jones clowns around before the after-party begins.

Doug Jones clowns around before the after-party begins.

All photos on this page were taken for It’s Just Movies by Josh Long.

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Special thanks to Sean Dubravac, president of Royalty Rope Events Inc.

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Follow Jason Eaken on Twitter at

0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    Doug Jones is awesome.

  2. Kent #

    I was actually at this party. It was a lot of fun. I wish I could have made it in time to check out the movie, though.

  3. 3

    Wow. Forgot all about the Tekken movie being made. Hope it’s at least semi-good!

  4. Disco #

    I would have liked to have gone to that party!

  5. Don #

    I didn’t even know they were making a “Tekken” movie.

  6. rabota-vam111 #

    Great news for Luke!

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