“Paranormal Activity” is a “documentary” surrounding a couple with a ghost problem, leading them to bring a demonologist in to investigate the situation further.
This hand-held documentary may look similar to a previous “Project,” though it’s unknown whether it will garner the same notoriety.
The trailer itself is unique in that it’s not just a select number of video clips, but a combination of clips and audience reactions. It’s an interesting concept and seems to have made audiences more aware of the feature, which is apparent from the amount of buzz this low-budget horror film has gained.
This is the first movie by writer/director Oren Peli (pictured above). The movie was shot in 2006 and has since entered the independent circuit with a respectable splash. Since then “Paranormal Activity” has been adjusted with a tighter edit and has been released in select theaters.
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What a cool way to do a trailer!