Posts Tagged ‘Andy Serkis’

Trailer Talk: ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’

— by ALEXA MILAN — It’s difficult to believe “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” was released more than a decade ago now; 10 years since we were first introduced to director Peter Jackson’s vision of J.R.R. Tolkien’s rich fantasy world. And a[...]

Under Review: ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’

— by LYNN TACKITT — I have to admit that when I saw 20th Century Fox was adding another film to the “Planet of the Apes” franchise, I was skeptical. I mean, the previous Apes movie (from Tim Burton) left a whole lot to be desired. What were they going to do now? Well, what [&[...]

Five All-New Clips from ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’

— by ADAM POYNTER — Planet of the Apes has been around for a while, starting with the 1963 French novel “La Planète des singes.” After the success of the “Planet of the Apes” film in 1968, it was apparent that 20th Century Fox had a potential franchise in the making. After four [...]

Two Clips from ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’

— by ALEXA MILAN — After its release in 1968, “Planet of the Apes” was a commercial success that spawned four sequels and garnered two Oscar nominations. So now, more than 40 years later, it’s naturally time to revisit the franchise. The film was already remade once in [...]

New Movie App Pits Man vs. Ape

20th Century Fox has released a new app for the iPhone and iPad that poses the question “Are you smarter than an ape?” The app is based on an actual intelligence test done at Kyoto University, and parallels the central storyline of the new studio’s upcoming[...]

The Adventures of Tintin: Teaser Trailer

— by ALLISON HIGGINBOTHAM — I have to admit when I heard the title for “The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn,” I wasn’t overly optimistic for the movie. It sounded like something that was going straight to DVD. However, my interest piqued when I started seeing who[...]

The Adventures of Tintin: Two Posters

— by ADAM POYNTER — “The Adventures of Tintin” is a series of comic strips (now referred to as comic books) created by the Belgian artist George Rémi in 1929. They weave a tale about an adventurous young reporter who goes on adventures that have a simple and formulaic[...]

WETA Livestream Event Explores ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’

— by LYNN TACKITT — I have always been a fan of the “Planet of the Apes” franchise. I have watched all of the movies and even was a faithful follower of the short-lived television series and later the cartoon shows. Now 20th Century Fox is adding a new twist to a new edition [...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’

— by JESSICA MORALES — So, I know what you’re thinking: “Another planet of the ape’s movie remake?” Is that really necessary? Charlton Heston has no equal; I mean, didn’t we already go through this with Mark Wahlberg’s version? But once you see the trailer below, [...]

Peter Jackson’s First Video Blog from ‘The Hobbit’ Set

— by SHERICE ANTOINETTE — Yesterday, Peter Jackson gleefully released a 10-minute behind-the-scenes video for “The Hobbit,” which began production a few weeks ago. For those not aware, it’s been a long time coming. Due to myriad issues, which consisted of an illness, financial trou[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Burke and Hare’

— by H.G. WATSON — There seems to be something that makes American studios uneasy about films that don’t have one character with an American accent. It’s as if the second they realize there isn’t one marketable Yank actor in the flick, they feel they have to market the film to the [...]

New Pegg and Serkis ‘Comedy’ Could Be Murder

— by BEN FOWLER — Actors Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis are obviously quite comfortable around the dark and grisly, with Pegg starring in “Shaun of the Dead” and Serkis most famously as Gollum in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. They seem to have gravitated towards[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll’

— by RACHEL COYNE — Out of all the biopic movies ever made, how many are about musicians? I’m actually curious, because I’m willing to bet the percentage is pretty high. There are millions of people with stories interesting enough to warrant being put on film, but filmmakers (and the[...]

The Adventures of Tintin: Set Photo

— by SEAN GERSKI — For a movie that involves such popular talent as Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Edgar Wright, Jamie Bell, Daniel Craig, Andy Serkis, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, “The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn” is receiving a remarkably small amount of[...]