Author Archive

Trailer Talk: ‘Camp Hell’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — Religious aspects in horror films often add that extra creepiness. It gives chills unattainable by other scary elements. “Camp Hell” takes that element and gives it an ominous and inauspicious backdrop. The story follows children of a Christian community [...]

Under Review: ‘Waking Madison’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — What is real? What is sane? These are questions raised in the recently-released-to-DVD movie “Waking Madison.” The main character, Madison Walker, must face these questions and battle her own psyche. The film follows Madison, played by Sarah Romer (“[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Come And Get Me’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — There’s a reason your mother taught you that it is not a good idea to get into a car with a stranger. The characters in the upcoming “Come And Get Me” are going to learn that lesson the hard way, and is there any other way to learn in a […][...]

Poster Peek: ‘Rosewood Lane’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — From Victor Salva, the director of “Jeepers Creepers,” comes “Rosewood Lane.” And scary movies need creepy posters and trailers, that’s a fact. With a tagline of “Evil dwells in the most unlikely places” being displayed promi[...]

Under Review: ‘Friends with Benefits’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — The latest phenomena I’m seeing in cinema is that chick flicks can now be raunchy and funny and everything that they weren’t allowed to be in the past. Let’s face it, females are just as prone to talking about sex as their male counterparts, and wha[...]

A Clip from ‘Fright Night’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — Vampires are becoming a tad over-killed these days. Remakes have become entirely overdone in the past decade. So whose idea was it to smash the two together and do a vampire remake? It doesn’t matter because even though vampires and remakes are recycled news, &[...]

Three Featurettes from ‘Suicide Kids’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — A film with the name “Suicide Kids” almost sounds like a gritty drama that might spark some controversial discussions. I immediately became reminiscent of “The Virgin Suicides” upon first glance. This, however, is not that type of movie. It[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘God Bless Ozzy Osbourne’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — The life of Ozzy Osbourne has been talked about for years. There is much to talk about — the drugs, the biting off of animal heads, the reality show, the dysfunctional family, and even the drug problems of Ozzy’s children. So what can we learn from a docu[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘The Troll Hunter’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — When I hear the word “troll,” I think of a little ugly person who lives under a bridge. This is not the case when it comes to the Norwegian film “The Troll Hunter.” The trailer for this film looks as though “Cloverfield” and “[...]

A Look at ‘Scream 4’ — Including Spoilers

— by JESSIKA OWENS — Opening scenes for horror films set the entire tone for the movie and really get horror fans going. I have heard more applause in theaters during openers for scary movies than anything else. A suspenseful opening with a strong jump moment is usually the way to[...]

In New Project, Film Director is Meeting Online Friends ‘Face 2 Face’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — Technology is very much a part of our everyday lives. If you are reading this article, you are doing so via the Internet. Facebook has half a billion users, and I know I personally can’t function without my cell phone. How does this affect us in our social vent[...]

Four Clips from John Carpenter’s ‘The Ward’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — “The Ward” is being brought to us by John Carpenter and the clips I have seen gave me the creeps. Amber Heard (“Drive Angry 3D,” “‘Zombieland,” “‘Pineapple Express”) plays Kristen who goes searching for her [...]

Under Review: ‘Scream 4’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — Opening scenes for horror films set the entire tone for the movie and really get horror fans going. I have heard more applause in theaters during openers for scary movies than anything else. A suspenseful opening with a strong jump moment is usually the way to go, af[...]

The First Two Minutes of John Carpenter’s ‘The Ward’

— by JESSIKA OWENS — Insane asylums are automatically creepy no matter how you look at them in films, even in films that aren’t in the horror genre. Some of my favorite films involve a mental institution of some sort, such as “Girl Interrupted” and “Don’t Sa[...]